Copy editing – Simple steps for editing your work
Terrific user documentation does not happen by accident, it is the product of hours of hard work by authoring professionals. They have to be expert communicators with skills not only in writing but also in design, diagramming and project management. Most of all they have to be great copy editors since the largest failure of documentation isn’t enough attention paid to the fundamentals. Editing is a straightforward Ability but a demanding one, an eye for detail is vital and a structured approach is important to the achievement of the job. Here’s a simple step-by-step Approach to creating your editing count.
The first mistake of all Editors is they attempt to do everything at once, and fail miserably we are all human so we work better if we have a few of tasks to focus at any 1 time. That is why drivers that smoke, drive, talk on their cellular phones and fiddle with the radio at exactly the exact same time, crash. The first time you read through the document overlook all the little stuff, you’re analyzing the general structure of this item not the fine detail. You are searching for sections to maneuver around to enhance circulation, and for any truly atrocious pieces of writing that require total rewrites, or areas that could be deleted entirely.
I like to print out the Record, and scrawl notes on it while I am at this stage of editing others use posit notes to keep their record in sequence, and others prefer to use the change tracking facility in their digital edition. It doesn’t matter which you pick, it does matter that you do so before spending any more time editing and what is a copy editor. Now is the time to get a more thorough Read of this manual, you are taking a look at sentence structure and clarity. Take a break Work before you proceed between editing phases, you want to clear your mind and lose some of your familiarity with the record. It is quite easy to read what you think should be there, not what is there. Great technical writing balances the line between an art form and a science, and it all hinges on refined copyright my book. Ensure your documents wow your customers, rather than you’re Clients throwing them across the room in frustration before they call your helpdesk.